Vanishing points are the potential of two or more lines in a space to meet at a certain point, with a guaranteed illusion of infinity. A point in space where there’s no time, or at least no linear time. However, A point that is possible to calculate and to predict. The potential of these two or more lines to meet, is what established the idea of future. That one day we will become one, or just together. It’s what dominates relationships. As if we are traveling towards somewhere where we’re finally supposed to find each other, on the same plane. Yet without time. Which makes it harder, as we are used to think in time and not in space.
We become central to the worldview established by horizontal perspective. It puts us in the center of the most important relationship we have - with the world. As the whole paradigm converges in our eyes.
If we are both moving on the same axis, if there is any part of me in you, there should be a point (which has nothing to do with genetics) where we are supposed to converge. Where there isn’t an opposite side, no yin and yang, no ‘other side of the coin’. It should be - an encounter. Where your imaginary line meets my imaginary line. (It’s) The imaginary potential of our relations to come together.
But I can’t live on the (y) axis of potentiality, nor to be connected to it. Because it validates the premise that everything is possible, at any given moment, at any given time. Which means it is already endless, for me, unlike you, I can’t do all the mathematical calculations of points that by chance happen to be on the same axis in different times but with a similar potential. What if that’s what I am afraid of, what - the idea of a calculable future holds for me. Of traveling towards that guaranteed point. where a flattened, infinite, continuous, and homogenous space is waiting for us. Yet without time.
What I like about moving, regardless in which direction, is that orientation comes from the body. From my right hand or from the left, from what is behind or in front, I barely need to see something. I don’t look for the points that are disappearing in space to feel myself connected to the endlessness. Yet I can still hit all the right points.
When Nadia Comnaneci got 10 points for the exercise on the beam, she looked to one - point only, at the opposite edge of the beam, where it ends, diagonal down. What enables us to land. Perfectly. And to leave all what is past behind.
Vanishing points are the potential of two or more lines in a space to meet at a certain point, with a guaranteed illusion of infinity. A point in space where there’s no time, or at least no linear time. However, A point that is possible to calculate and to predict. The potential of these two or more lines to meet, is what established the idea of future. That one day we will become one, or just together. It’s what dominates relationships. As if we are traveling towards somewhere where we’re finally supposed to find each other, on the same plane. Yet without time. Which makes it harder, as we are used to think in time and not in space.
We become central to the worldview established by horizontal perspective. It puts us in the center of the most important relationship we have - with the world. As the whole paradigm converges in our eyes.
If we are both moving on the same axis, if there is any part of me in you, there should be a point (which has nothing to do with genetics) where we are supposed to converge. Where there isn’t an opposite side, no yin and yang, no ‘other side of the coin’. It should be - an encounter. Where your imaginary line meets my imaginary line. (It’s) The imaginary potential of our relations to come together.
But I can’t live on the (y) axis of potentiality, nor to be connected to it. Because it validates the premise that everything is possible, at any given moment, at any given time. Which means it is already endless, for me, unlike you, I can’t do all the mathematical calculations of points that by chance happen to be on the same axis in different times but with a similar potential. What if that’s what I am afraid of, what - the idea of a calculable future holds for me. Of traveling towards that guaranteed point. where a flattened, infinite, continuous, and homogenous space is waiting for us. Yet without time.
What I like about moving, regardless in which direction, is that orientation comes from the body. From my right hand or from the left, from what is behind or in front, I barely need to see something. I don’t look for the points that are disappearing in space to feel myself connected to the endlessness. Yet I can still hit all the right points.
When Nadia Comnaneci got 10 points for the exercise on the beam, she looked to one - point only, at the opposite edge of the beam, where it ends, diagonal down. What enables us to land. Perfectly. And to leave all what is past behind.
approaching minimums, 2018
Duration: 6:41
Directed and Written by Tamir Eting
Camera Studio: Fernanda Libman
Camera airplane: Leon Eting
Performers: Charles Pas and Tamir Eting
June 2018 - Group show “You Better Move“ #5 at Dansmakers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
approaching minimums, 2018
Duration: 6:41
Directed and Written by Tamir Eting
Camera Studio: Fernanda Libman
Camera airplane: Leon Eting
Performers: Charles Pas and Tamir Eting
June 2018 - Group show “You Better Move“ #5 at Dansmakers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vanishing points are the potential of two or more lines in a space to meet at a certain point, with a guaranteed illusion of infinity. A point in space where there’s no time, or at least no linear time. However, A point that is possible to calculate and to predict. The potential of these two or more lines to meet, is what established the idea of future. That one day we will become one, or just together. It’s what dominates relationships. As if we are traveling towards somewhere where we’re finally supposed to find each other, on the same plane. Yet without time. Which makes it harder, as we are used to think in time and not in space.